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Originally created by Raz Wickham in 2003, these formulas act as a profound universal method of putting a vision of this scope into a tangible form; the blueprints for an actual science behind such artistic construction if you will. As an artistic team, we strongly believe that with all these elements combined they can be used to create something far greater than the sum of its parts. The resulting combination of these formulas should be a thoroughly engaging experience for both creator and audience alike, which has already been accomplished with TEOB itself as an independently operated Sci-Fi/Fantasy multimedia franchise.

Ironically, Raz's methodical practice is written and or constructed like a scientific formula because in most cases there is in fact an exact formula to great art. We believe it is important for the industry as a whole to try and utilize if not quantify the conception of artistic multimedia through use of natural methods similar to ours, where an exact science can and does exist in a disciplined form of pure imagination that helps uphold a certain level standard whilst keeping such work from being seen only as subjective. Especially given the fact that a couple of key elements missing from most of today's art is the same as what's lacking in society as a whole; a good sense of humble work ethic and living up to certain rhythmical ideals.

While others in the industry seem to focus on visual aesthetics and financial gimmicks alone, we at R.A.W. Productions have become primarily known for raising the bar of quality on various levels, which is expected with a project of this grand nature. Great storytelling for example is something that is quickly becoming a lost art, but we feel that this is due to the fact that few other artists and or companies even give proper consideration to this key aspect in their creation of art related projects, instead focusing on forgettable cash grab concepts as well as poor execution. We tirelessly strive to bring a greater if not more profound meaning to what the world typically sees as essentially basic if not primal storytelling. 
Due to the creative process being somewhat corrupted over the years by current technology such as the internet as well as unlimited access to universal fan appeal, we choose to create independently and find an audience the natural way. For example, projects by committee aren't even creating as much as they're just rehashing various marketing elements, just like most of the so called music made today. It's about the attention seeker having the spotlight on stage, it isn't about the vision or a story anymore. In many ways, true art has declined massively thanks to the abuse of technology itself, which is why we use it only to highten and or polish our work. 
People the world over with substandard talents have filled up the slots that real artists used to hold, resulting in flavor of the week style projects. Because of this, the standard has been greatly lowered, which in turn makes it difficult for originality to truly blossom. In other words, multiple generations that have been raised on souless products masquerading as art have come and gone to a point where most people don't even have a reference point anymore to a time when artistry with heart and purpose even existed.
Society as a whole forgets that art, especially great art is needed yet at times prefers to destroy it in the midst of those unwilling to take risks. Like many others, we see art as a medium that's meant to help society on the emotional side of life by acting as a social, political, and spiritual commentary on the human condition that also offers a certian level of education and escapism. As you look around you see that there are more children in adult bodies than ever before, which is due to an extreme level of stunted spiritual growth partially caused by an extreme lack of quality regarding multimedia related entities.      

If you truly want to understand the proven method currently and exclusively being used for TEOB by R.A.W. Productions, it is important for you to know that each of these key elements used in the three formulas is equally important to us during the conceptual and production stages of our work. Striking the perfect ethical balance of artistry and commodity is our prime goal each time we approach and develop a new aspect of TEOB and or a new project in general.  

As a result of this profound and carefully calculated method, we are strong if not deep believers in our craft, so much so that we have structured our entire company around what we have humbly and successfully coined, "The Ethereal Method." Together, we oversee every possible aspect regarding the execution of our creative content with all intents and purposes of bringing the world something it hasn't quite seen before through various means of entertainment and education. 

You may be wondering why we're even allowing our sacred method of creation to be made public in the first place. Well, it is a perfect way to humbly ground our artistic philosophies so we can try to give people a certain level of insight into our methodical if not complicated creative process. It will also allow each of us from Team TEOB to speak with everyone directly at our interactive events from different perspectives whilst showcasing our work in a powerful and meaningful way.
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